Hello all..
First I will not discuss all about korean here, becouse I am also in the stage of finding out all about Korea. kkkkkk~~. Secondly I will tell you how to find out all about Korea. Those who are exposed to Hallyu, come here^^
So this is the story~~
Since knowing the figure of 2PM (hottest here^^) and like K-Pop, then watch the K-Drama then see the beauty of Korean culture and nature.. waaahhhh (*-*) I'm getting like Korea and really want to visit this country. Start browsing of K-pop members, browsing about K-Drama actresses and actors, also browsing all about Korean State in general. It was great to see the photos with beautiful scenery, especially when looking at some photos gated very famous and a tourist spot in Korea which often also appears in K-Dramas or TV Show. I think I really want to be there to enjoy the culture, food and natural beauty. Thank God it's great desire war realized at the beginning of this year (I'll tell you later :)).
And this is one of the tips i've made friends all. If you would like to visit or want to know all about Korea you can visit the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) website. Since the Hallyu or Korean wave, Korean goverment began aggressively to promote the Country, well one of them through this KTO. This website is also equipped with a choice of variouse languages. Very helpful for us who are still less fluent in English.
From the home page you can choose to use any language, such as the image above. How Do? Easy right? So henceforth you will find a treasure trove of information about our beloved country. As shown in the picture below, you can start to look for what you need to know : Information About Korea, Plan Your trip, Destinations, Attractions Accommodations, Culture, Food and Shopping.
You want to know general information about korea? Click About korea. Want to plan a vacation to Korea? Must know first what needs to be prepared, click Plan your trip. Already planning a vacation to Korea? Necessarily need to know to visit anywhere, click Destinations. If you visit there do not miss the event / events ongoing, click Attraction. Traveling alone? Do not be afraid, because here also comes with our current property information there, click on Accommodations. Now for the next who wants to know the culture so as not to carelessly also there click Culture. Click food to determine the typical Korean meal that required you try (this is helpful Muslims to choose foods) and finally click on Shopping to find a shopping paradise. Very helpful or not? Very helpful, right? So there is no reason not to visit this website ? :)
Who wants to look for a discount? Take it easy, here are also available information about the various discounts and coupons (note!). If you see a photo gallery of this webside is guaranteed you will really want to visit this country (be careful and start saving!). Do not forget to become a part of the KTO fanpage here to get more information (ppsttt : many events with attractive prizes ! This article is one example ;)). In addition, to make it easier for us, KTO also have an application that you can download to your favorite phone . Thanks to the ease that has been given and someday we will be in korea ^^
That's my story for today, thanks for reading and sorry becouse my english is not good. Feel free to ask anything :)
Fight to #VisitKorea also #luckyboxKorea
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